"Quarrel not with a great man, lest you be compelled to give way, or with a stronger, lest you fall into his hands." ~~ Ben Sira 8:1
"The Holy One will turn the Ninth of Ab into joy…and will Himself build Jerusalem and gather therein the exiles of Israel." ~~ Midrash Zuta, Eika
"Great is the Sabbath, since it outweighs all religious precepts." ~~ Midrash Gadol Ugdula
"I never took hallucinogenic drugs because I never wanted my consciousness expanded one unnecessary iota. " ~~ Fran Lebowitz
"Better healthy and poor than rich and poorly." ~~ Ben Sira 30:14
"A man is wise while he is seeking wisdom, but, when he thinks he has reached its end, he is a fool." ~~ Mivchar Hapeninim
"Love blinds the eyes to faults, and hatred blinds them to virtues. " ~~ Moses Ben Ezra
"In sleep, thoughts come to your mind to reveal the thoughts of your heart." ~~ (adapted from) Daniel 2:29,30
"The mind of each man is as unique as his face." ~~ (based on) Talmud, Berakot 58a
"Nobody mocks on his deathbed." ~~ Talmud, Bava Batra
"The man who has confidence in himself gains the confidence of others." ~~ Hasidic Proverb
"Anybody who gets out of college having had his confidence in the perfection of existing institutions affirmed has not been educated. Just suffocated." ~~ Al Capp
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