"By three things is the world sustained: the Law, the Temple service and deeds of loving kindness." ~~ Avot 1:2
"The creation of a single man is as weighty a thing as the creation of the whole universe." ~~ Avot Derabbi Nathan
"Tradition is a fence for the Torah." ~~ Avot 3:13
"Say little and do much!" ~~ Avot 1:15
"It is a wise man that admits the truth." ~~ Avot 5:7
"No learning, no manners; no manners, no learning; no lore, no loaf." ~~ Avot 3:17
"Answer the first point first and the last point last." ~~ Avot 1:5
"Just as you listen to the poor man, listen to the rich man, for it is written, “You shall not favor persons in judgment.”" ~~ Avot Derabbi Nathan 20:22a
"Condemn not your fellow until you stand in his place! " ~~ Avot 2:4
"Vows are a fence against sin." ~~ Avot 3:13
"Because you drowned others, others will drown you." ~~ Avot 2:6
"Let your home be wide open and the needy be members of your household. " ~~ Avot 1:5