"The man who has confidence in himself gains the confidence of others." ~~ Hasidic Proverb
"Man is endowed by nature with two eyes: one to see his neighbors’ virtues, the other to see his own faults." ~~ Hasidic Proverb
"Those who chase happiness run away from contentment." ~~ Hasidic Proverb
"The virtue of angels is that they cannot deteriorate; their flaw is that they cannot improve. Humanity’s flaw is that we can deteriorate; but our virtue is that we can improve. " ~~ Hasidic Proverb
"The man who cannot survive bad times will not see good times." ~~ Hasidic Proverb
"God knows that the best synagogue is the human heart." ~~ Hasidic Proverb
"To love God truly, you must first love man. And if anyone tells you that he loves God but does not love his fellow man, he is lying." ~~ Hasidic Proverb
"For the ignorant, old age is winter; for the learned, old age is the harvest." ~~ Hasidic Proverb
"If you carry your own lantern, you will endure the dark." ~~ Hasidic Proverb
"The man who thinks he can live without others is mistaken; the one who thinks others can’t live without him is even more deluded." ~~ Hasidic Proverb