"If a poor man asks for alms, and you have nothing to give, console him with words; for it is forbidden to chastise a poor man or raise your voice against him, since his heart is broken." ~~ Maimonides
"A miracle cannot prove that which is impossible; it is useful only as a confirmation of what is possible." ~~ Maimonides
"The Torah is truth, and the purpose of knowing it is to live by it." ~~ Maimonides
"The words of Torah heal the soul, not the body." ~~ Maimonides, Mishneh Torah
"The power of reasoning, with which God endowed man, makes man capable of perfection." ~~ Maimonides, Guide to the Perplexed 1:2
"The great sages were porters, smiths, hewers of wood and drawers of water…accepting nothing from the community." ~~ Maimonides
"He who has not studied enough and teaches imperfect knowledge is to be treated as if he has sinned intentionally." ~~ Maimonides
"There are eight rungs in charity. The highest is when you help a man to help himself." ~~ Maimonides
"A wise man is a greater asset to a nation than a king." ~~ Maimonides
"One should accept the truth from whatever source it proceeds. " ~~ Maimonides
"The highest level of charity is to help others help themselves." ~~ Maimonides
"Men’s features are not alike; nor are their opinions." ~~ Maimonides