"A sage takes precedence over a king, for if a sage dies, we have no one like him, but if a king dies all Israel is eligible to succeed him." ~~ (based on) the Midrash
"Had the people of the generation of the Flood and the people of Sodom given charity, they would not have been destroyed." ~~ Midrash Zuta
"Only the one who eats the dish knows how it tastes." ~~ Midrash Deuteronomy R.
"Like wine, the Torah pleases the heart and improves with age." ~~ Midrash, Sifre Deuteronomy 48
"A pupil receives but a fifth of the reward that accrues to the teacher." ~~ Midrash, Sons of Songs R.
"Three things the Lord has kept from His people: the hour of death, the Day of Judgement and the reward of good deeds." ~~ Midrash Hagadol
"A man who is not a scholar by temperament should devote his time to public affairs." ~~ Midrash, Leviticus R. 25
"There is no end to the goodness of the good wife, and none to the wickedness of a bad one." ~~ Midrash Tehillim
"No man can be called righteous if he is not also good." ~~ Midrash Tehillim
"The Holy One will turn the Ninth of Ab into joy…and will Himself build Jerusalem and gather therein the exiles of Israel." ~~ Midrash Zuta, Eika
"When you come to a city, follow its customs." ~~ Midrash, Exodus R. 47
"God takes nothing from the world until He puts something else in its place." ~~ Midrash Hagadol