"If a man does not do good himself, let him not rely on what his ancestors did!" ~~ Midrash Tehillilm
"All thievery depends upon a receiver." ~~ Midrash Leviticus R. 6
"Moses ordained that Jews be addressed each holiday on the subject of that holiday, and he said to Israel: if you do this, it will be as if you established God’s sovereignty." ~~ Midrash Abkir, Yalkut Shimoni #408
"If you see a man giving liberally, it means his wealth will grow; if you see one who shuns charity, it means his wealth will dwindle. " ~~ Midrash Mishle
"Don’t criticize a wicked man who abandons his wickedness—and repents." ~~ Midrash, Proverbs 6:30
"There is a divine covenant in everyone’s heart: to love his native soil—despite its climate." ~~ Midrash Genesis R. 34:15
"Why is Israel like a dove? Other birds, when tired, rest on a branch; but when the dove tires, she rests one wing and flies with the other." ~~ Midrash Genesis R. 39:10
"The man who works is blessed." ~~ Midrash, Psalms 23
"If a person meant to commit a sin, the Lord will not consider it till it be committed." ~~ Midrash Tehillim
"A word to the wise is enough, but a fool needs a fist." ~~ Midrash Mishle
"If a person wishes to become a priest or a Levite, he cannot; but even a Gentile can be righteous." ~~ Midrash Tehillim
"Doubts made people wise." ~~ Midrash Shmuel