"Malchi Tzedek king of Shalem, said “this place makes its inhabitants righteous?”, so he called Jerusalem “Tzedek” (righteousness). " ~~ Midrash, Bereshit Rabba 43
"The man who steals men’s confidence is the worst of thieves." ~~ Midrash Mekilta Mispatim
"Even if all of a slander is not believed, half of it is." ~~ Midrash Genesis R. 56:4
"Virtue bears its fruits." ~~ Midrash Tehillim
"As everyone treads on dust, so does every nation tread on Israel; but dust lasts longer than metal, and so shall Israel outlast the others." ~~ Midrash Genesis R. 41:9
"One should respect one’s father-in-law like one’s own father." ~~ Midrash Tehillim
"Who tells his friend’s secret sheds blood." ~~ Midrash Gadol Ugdula
"Sand mixed in bread injures the teeth: so will those who persecute Israel suffer for it." ~~ (adapted from) Midrash Pesikta
"Happiness is the one good thing that all long for." ~~ Midrash Shmuel
"The talebearer destroys three persons: himself, the listener and the victim." ~~ Midrash Tehillim
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