"The greatest misers with money are the biggest spendthrifts with desires." ~~ Moses Ibn Ezra
"Dive into the sea of thought, and find there pearls beyond price." ~~ Moses Ibn Ezra
"The truly wise man is as liberal with his wisdom as clouds are with the rains." ~~ Moses Ibn Ezra
"Looks explain words." ~~ [adapted from] Moses Ibn Ezra
"The intention is the foundation of the deed." ~~ Moses Ibn Ezra
"A proverb without wisdom is like a body without a foot." ~~ Moses Ibn Ezra
"Thought serves as a mirror: it shows us the ugliness and the beauty within." ~~ Moses Ibn Ezra
"The man who persists in knocking will succeed in entering." ~~ Moses Ibn Ezra
"Words are like bodies; meanings are like souls." ~~ Moses Ibn Ezra
"Friendship is man’s greatest gift." ~~ Moses Ibn Ezra
"What you think of others tells us what they think of you." ~~ Moses Ibn Ezra
"A word without thought is like a foot without muscles." ~~ Moses Ibn Ezra