"Benedictions are of no avail if peace is not with them. " ~~ Numbers (Bamidbar) R.
"As all faces of people are unlike, so too their opinions. " ~~ Numbers (Bamidbar) R.
"Heart and eyes are brokers of the body. " ~~ Numbers (Bamidbar) R.
"Do what you have promised! " ~~ Numbers (Bamidbar) 32:24
"None of your honey, none of your sting! " ~~ Numbers (Bamidbar) R.
"Not everything near is really so, nor everything far really distant. " ~~ Numbers (Bamidbar) R.
"If one man sins, will You be wroth with all the congregation? " ~~ Numbers (Bamidbar) 16:22
"The righteous man is like a palm-tree—as the shade of a palm is cast far, so the reward of the righteous will be distant, in the world to come. " ~~ Numbers (Bamidbar) R.
"No spot in the Land of Israel is empty of God’s Presence. " ~~ Numbers (Bamidbar) R.
"As the stars do not quarrel among themselves, so,too, with the righteous. " ~~ Numbers (Bamidbar) R.
"Drop by drop the pitcher fills. " ~~ Numbers (Bamidbar) R.
"It is a people that shall dwell alone, and shall not be reckoned among the nations. " ~~ Numbers (Bamidbar) 23:9