"If an individual is handicapped, he or she is challenged by Divine Providence to uncover hidden abilities and energies to overcome his or her handicap, and to attain higher levels of achievement than others who are not similarly handicapped. I strongly recommend a change in the term “handicapped” – and prefer the term “special” or “excellent ones,” for it is their excellence that enables them to transcend whatever physical limitations they may have." ~~ Rebbe Menachem Schneerson
"Jewish tradition perceives children as worthy and deserving of our greatest resources of time and energy to create an environment that is both physically and spiritually nurturing. For it is the children who embody the purity of intent, sincerity, faith and enthusiasm for life. " ~~ Rebbe Menachem Schneerson
"There are ethereal beings who bask in the Divine light of spiritual worlds. But it is human beings, who struggle with the darkness of a material world who shall ultimately arrive at the Essence." ~~ Rebbe Menachem Schneerson
"Man can never be happy if he does not nourish his soul as he does his body." ~~ Rebbe Manachen Schneerson
"The secret of our existence is in our being “a people that dwell alone” [Numbers (Bamidbar) 23:9], a people that believes in the one G-d, and leads a life according to the one Torah, which is eternal and unchangeable. " ~~ Rebbe Menachem Schneerson
"The giving of charity, which brings sustenance to a needy individual, is a life-sustaining act – one that effectively allows us to imitate G-d, “the animator of the living,” and provides each person with the noblest direction in life – to “walk in His ways.”" ~~ Rebbe Menachem Schneerson