"Everything done by stealth is suspect." ~~ Reuven Alcalay
"The way from Paradise to Hell is very short, the way back: impossible. " ~~ Reuven Alcalay
"Knowledge is as good as currency." ~~ Reuven Alcalay
"You cannot turn Hell into Heaven, but how easy it is to turn Paradise into Purgatory!" ~~ Reuven Alcalay
"There never was a wedding without a worry." ~~ Reuven Alcalay
"History, far from repeating itself, occasionally produces startling surprises." ~~ Reuven Alcalay
"There are people whose fame goes before them – – – and others that follow their fame." ~~ Reuven Alcalay
"Who only spends and never earns soon gets to the bottom of his pocket." ~~ Reuven Alcalay
"Every “why” invites a “because”." ~~ Reuven Alcalay
"Experience teaches us that experience does not." ~~ Reuven Alcalay
"Happy the teacher whose puppil thanks him." ~~ Reuven Alcalay
"Better not to agree with your wife, and love her, than to agree with her and not." ~~ Reuven Alcalay