"He who fulfills the Torah amidst his poverty will in the end fulfill it amidst wealth; he who neglects the Torah amidst wealth will in the end neglect it amidst poverty." ~~ Sayings of the Fathers 4:9
"The sons of sages are not always sages—so that no one can think Torah is inherited, and so that the sages’ sons do not hold themselves superior to others." ~~ (adapted from) Sayings of the Fathers 2:12
"The only free man is he who engages in the study of Torah." ~~ Sayings of the Fathers 4:9
"I grew up among wise men and learned that nothing is better than silence." ~~ Sayings of the Fathers 1:17
"The reward of a mitzva? Another mitzva!" ~~ Sayings of the Fathers
"Pray for political stability, for if not for fear of the government men would swallow each other alive." ~~ Sayings of the Fathers, 3:1
"Whoever performs one good action gains an advocate, whoever commits a sin procures an accuser." ~~ Sayings of the Fathers, 4:15
"Welcome everyone—with joy." ~~ Sayings of the Fathers 1:15
"The wicked are easy to provoke and hard to calm." ~~ (based on) Sayings of the Fathers 5:17
"The crown of a good name is greater than the crown of learning." ~~ Sayings of the Fathers 3:13