"Great is the pain of bringing up sons, and greater of bringing up daughters." ~~ Shalom Aleichem
"A pretty daughter is worth half the dowry." ~~ Shalom Aleichem
"Men make mistakes not because they think they know when they do not know, but because they think others do not know." ~~ Shalom Aleichem
"It is hard to raise sons; and much harder to raise daughters." ~~ Shalom Aleichem
"Adam was the luckiest of men: he had no mother-in-law." ~~ Shalom Aleichem
"Little troubles are really not so bad—for someone else." ~~ Shalom Aleichem
"When partners multiply, so do arguments." ~~ Shalom Aleichem
"Life is a dream for the wise, a game for the fool, comedy for the rich, a tragedy for the poor." ~~ Shalom Aleichem
"If a horse with four legs can sometimes stumble, how much more a man with only one tongue! " ~~ Shalom Aleichem
"Even the luckless need some luck." ~~ Shalom Aleichem
"It is hard to be a Jew." ~~ Shalom Aleichem
"There is no man who has not his own pack of troubles." ~~ Shalom Aleichem