"The mind of each man is as unique as his face." ~~ (based on) Talmud, Berakot 58a
"Don’t threaten a child: Either punish him or forgive him. " ~~ Talmud
"A clown may be first in the kingdom of heaven, if he has helped lessen the sadness of human life." ~~ Rabbi Baroka in Talmud
"Never promise something to a child and not give it to him, because in that way he learns to lie." ~~ Talmud, Sukkah
"The man to whom a miracle happens is not aware of it himself." ~~ Talmud, Niddah
"The Sabbath was given for the study of the Torah." ~~ Talmud, Pesikta R. 22
"As an olive tree does not lose its foliage in summer or winter, so Israel will never be lost, here or hereafter. " ~~ Talmud, Menahot
"Good deeds are better than wise sayings." ~~ Talmud, Pirke Avot
"To get a gift means to return one." ~~ Talmud, Sukkah
"For a Jew to cheat a Gentile is worse than cheating a Jew; for in addition to violating the moral law, it brings Jews into contempt. " ~~ Talmud, Bava Kamma 113b
"Some men are stupid: they stand up to honor a Holy Scroll, but do not rise to honor a sage." ~~ Talmud Makkot 22b
"If food, which is ephemeral, requires a blessing before and after you eat it, how much more so the Torah, which is everlasting! " ~~ Talmud, Berakkhot
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