"There are three gates to Gehinam (purgatory) – one of them is in Jerusalem. " ~~ Talmud, Eiruvin 19a
"Who woos greatness, greatness flees from; who shuns it, greatness comes to woo." ~~ Talmud, Eiruvin
"Mankind are like plants of the field, some blossom, some wither." ~~ Talmud, Eiruvin
"A man must repeat the lesson until his pupil has learnt it." ~~ Talmud, Eiruvin
"Wine in, secret out." ~~ Talmud, Eiruvin
"There is a long way that is short and a short one that is long." ~~ Talmud, Eiruvin
"A man’s character is revealed in three things: in his cup, in his purse, and in his anger." ~~ Talmud, Eiruvin
"The dish of two partners is neither hot nor cold. [Too many cooks spoil the broth. A shared kettle never boils.] " ~~ Talmud, Eiruvin
"A man shows his character by three things: his tipping, his tippling, and his temper." ~~ Talmud, Eiruvin 65b