"The begger is hungry and does not know it." ~~ Talmud, Megillah
"Hope for a miracle—but don’t depend on one." ~~ (based on) Talmud, Megillah 7b
"In his home, even a weaver is a ruler." ~~ Talmud, Megillah
"The fool always jumps in front." ~~ Talmud, Megillah
"A synagogue may be turned into a school: but not a school into a synagogue." ~~ Talmud, Megillah
"This nation is like the dust and like the stars: when it sinks, it sinks to the dust, and when it rises, it rises to the stars!" ~~ Talmud, Megillah
"If a word be worth one shekel, silence is worth two." ~~ Talmud, Megillah 18a