"No labor, however humble, dishonors a man." ~~ Talmud, Nedarim 49b
"No man can divorce his friend’s wife." ~~ Talmud, Nedarim
"Even the Divine Presence is unimportant to an angry man." ~~ Talmud, Nedarim
"Good men promise little and perform much; wicked men promise much and perform nothing." ~~ Talmud, Nedarim 21b
"Each child brings his own blessing into the world." ~~ Talmud, Nedarim
"Israel is like a vine: trodden underfoot; but some time later its wine is placed on the table of a king. So Israel, at first oppressed, will eventually come to greatness." ~~ Talmud, Nedarim 49b
"Shame induces us to fear sin. " ~~ Talmud, Nedarim
"A child’s tears move the heavens themselves." ~~ Talmud, Nedarim
"A child’s simple sense is a kind of wisdom." ~~ Talmud, Nedarim
"There is always hope for the man who is capable of being ashamed." ~~ Talmud, Nedarim 20a
"You can tell a Jew by how he treats his children." ~~ Talmud, Nedarim
"Little children, little troubles; big children, big troubles." ~~ Talmud, Nedarim