"The elephant is frightened of the gnat." ~~ Talmud, Shabbat
"Money drives its owner frantic." ~~ Talmud, Shabbat
"For him that talks obscenely hell will be deepened. " ~~ Talmud, Shabbat
"As men age, their opinions change. " ~~ Talmud, Shabbat
"Does a man know what day his end will come?" ~~ Talmud, Shabbat
"Can there be a banquet without preparations?" ~~ Talmud, Shabbat
"Who suspects the upright will be smitten with bodily ill." ~~ Talmud, Shabbat
"Alas for that which goes and does not come back! And what is it? Rabbi Chasda said: It is childhood." ~~ Talmud, Shabbat
"Your talk on the Sabbath should not be like your talk on a weekday." ~~ Talmud, Shabbat
"Proof cannot be got from fools." ~~ Talmud, Shabbat
"Vinegar is good for you in dry heat." ~~ Talmud, Shabbat
"Who shows pity for humankind, the Heavens will pity in turn. " ~~ Talmud, Shabbat