"Money is a good and handsome thing, it is men who have spoilt it. " ~~ Theodor Herzl
"We accept this word ‘Jew’, ostensibly a term of abuse, and shall turn it into a title." ~~ Theodore Herzl
"Just as anti-Semitism drives the weak, the cowardly and the materialistic Jew into Christianity, so its pressure has strengthened my own Judaism powerfully within me." ~~ Theodore Herzl
"A man’s every act begins with a dream and ends with one." ~~ Theodore Herzl
"The Jewish State is an imperative for the world and therefore will assuredly be established." ~~ Theodore Herzl
"Tolerance can be based, and it will be based, on reciprocity." ~~ Theodor Herzl
"Great talent must eventually bring forth great fruit." ~~ Theodor Herzl
"If a people cannot help itself, it cannot be helped at all." ~~ Theodor Herzl
"To look for absolute justice among politicians, that is charming simplicity!" ~~ Theodor Herzl
"No nation can be redeemed save by itself." ~~ Theodor Herzl
"The Jews have one way of saving themselves—a return to their own people and an emigration to their own Land." ~~ Theodor Herzl
"Patience can and will always be based on reciprocity." ~~ Theodor Herzl