"Those who live outside of Israel may be considered heathen." ~~ Tosefta: Aboda Zara 4:3
"The rightous among the Gentiles have a share in the world to come." ~~ Tosefta
"Who respects the wicked is as bad as an idolater." ~~ Tosefta
"A man must walk in the middle of the path and stray neither to this side nor that. [Choose the golden mean!]" ~~ Tosefta
"The greatest thief is the one who steals the mind of men." ~~ Tosefta
"Reside in Israel, even among a majority of idolators, rather than outside of Israel, even among a majority of Jews." ~~ Tosefta: Aboda Zara 4:3
"If an orphan boy and an orphan girl need support, or apply for a marriage grant, the girl is cared for first. The boy may beg, but not the girl. " ~~ Tosefta: Ketubot
"When you turn proud, remember that a flea proceded you in the order of divine creation." ~~ Tosefta: Sanhedrin
"It was forbidden to break the Sabbath, even when David, king of Israel, died." ~~ Tosefta
"Small coins add up to large sums." ~~ Tosefta
"Wherever peace reigns, you need no courts." ~~ Tosefta