"War is a bad and contemptible thing, but people at war are sometimes better than in everyday life." ~~ Ze’ev Vladimir Jabotinsky
"Genius is required for the first step alone." ~~ Ze’ev Vladimir Jabotinsky
"There is no mightier weapon than indifference, you will never conquer it." ~~ Ze’ev Vladimir Jabotinsky
"Preservation of the special character of nations is essential for progress." ~~ Ze’ev Vladimir Jabotinsky
"I hope always, I long for much and expect little." ~~ Ze’ev Vladimir Jabotinsky
"Who has no hope in his heart is doomed to death." ~~ Ze’ev Vladimir Jabotinsky
"The past lays a railroad track for the future." ~~ Ze’ev Vladimir Jabotinsky
"It is not the compass that steers the ship to its landfall, but the skipper who pilots it as his knowledge and experience tell him." ~~ Ze’ev Vladimir Jabotinsky