"You cannot liken the self-taught man to the schooled." ~~ Talmud, Ketubot
"For learning, the ear is more useful than the eye." ~~ Gerondi
"Happy is the man who devotes his time to study, and he who resists temptation." ~~ The Slonimer Rabbi
"A teacher who surrenders the respect due to him is no longer respected." ~~ Talmud, Kiddushin
"Don’t threaten a child: Either punish him or forgive him. " ~~ Talmud
"A scholar who fears not sin is as a craftsman without his tools." ~~ Avot Derabbi Nathan
"Let your children’s tutor be constantly in your house, and pay him liberally." ~~ Elijah Gaon
"The real guardians of a state are the teachers." ~~ Talmud Yerushalmi, Hagigah 1:7
"Once an error is learned, it is hard to unlearn. " ~~ Talmud, Bava Batra 21a
"The crown of a good name is greater than the crown of learning." ~~ Sayings of the Fathers 3:13
"Education is an unfinished symphony." ~~ Aranne
"If you grasp too much, you cannot hold it; when you take a little, you can." ~~ Talmud, Rosh Hashanah 4b