"The critic must be like a grinding-stone: to grind and not to cut. " ~~ Moshe Ben Ezra
"A man is led the way he wishes to follow." ~~ Talmud, Makkoth 10b
"Study is worth as much as ritual sacrifice." ~~ (adapted from) Talmud, Menahot 110a
"Happy is the man whose deeds are greater than his learning." ~~ Midrash Eliyahu R.
"No master is jealous of his pupil." ~~ Psikta Zotarti
"A scholar who abandons study is like ‘a bird that strays from the nest.’" ~~ Talmud, Chagigah
"In teaching, do not favor the children of the rich—and teach the children of the poor without compensation." ~~ Talmud, Ta’anit 24B
"A man’s wit can be judged better by his questions than by his answers." ~~ Mishle Yehoshua
"Respect an old man who has lost his learning: remember that the fragments of the Tablets broken by Moses were preserved alongside the new." ~~ Talmud: Berakot 8b
"When you are asked a question and do not know what to answer, be not ashamed to say: “I know not!”" ~~ Mivchar Hapeninim
"Arrange the ordinances in order, like a set table." ~~ Akiba, Mekilta
"Who withholds a law from his pupil robs him of his inheritance." ~~ Rab (Abba Arika)
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