"Tell not your secret to your friend, for sometimes a friend turns into a foe!" ~~ Sefer Hamusar
"Gentle speech multiplies friends." ~~ Ben Sira 6:5
"Interrupt not the speech of your friend before he finish!" ~~ Hidden Scrolls
"A faithful friend is a powerful defence; he that has found such a one has found a treasure." ~~ Ben Sira 6:14
"Who can ask for mercy for his friend, and does not, is a sinner." ~~ Talmud, Berakhot
"Who is the laziest man on earth? The man too lazy to make friends; but even lazier [is] the man who made friends and lost them." ~~ Mivchar Hapeninim
"Do not cast out an old friend for a new one!" ~~ Ben Sira 9:12
"A woman suffers more from the jealousy of a friend than from the prick of a thorn." ~~ Talmud, Yevamot
"Who welcomes his friend with a smile is as one giving him the finest gifts in the world." ~~ Avot Derabbi Nathan
"Your best friend is the one who is a friend without expecting anything." ~~ Leone Da Modena
"The best minister is the human heart; the best teacher is time; the best book is the world; the best friend is God." ~~ Yiddish Proverb
"False friends, like birds, migrate in cold weather." ~~ Judah Leib Lazerov
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