"Our task today is harder than Moses’; he had only to deliver Israel from one Egypt, we must deliver it from many." ~~ Manachem Ussishkin
"I have pitched my tent on these ancient hills and my desire is to tie together the ends of the thread that history broke." ~~ Reubin Rubin
"All ancient people praised the Golden Era of the past. Only the Jews tell wonders of the golden Era still to come." ~~ Joseph Klausner
"The concept of history is the product of Prophetism." ~~ Hermann Cohen
"In Jewish history there are no coincidences. " ~~ Elie Wiesel
"Research into the past, as an aim in itself, without the “present”, is not worth a bean. " ~~ Chaim Nachman Bialik
"The historian’s special interest in the Jewish nation is due to its being the only one that is met with at evey turn of history." ~~ James Darmsteter
"No nation can be redeemed save by itself." ~~ Theodor Herzl
"If you want the present to be different from the past, study the past." ~~ Baruch Spinoza
"No city in the world, not even Athens and Rome, ever played as great a role in the life of a nation for so long a time, as Jerusalem has done in the life of the Jewish people." ~~ David Ben-Gurion
"Our ancestors in the desert remembered the fine fish they used to eat in Egypt, but the hard labor they were made to do there they forgot." ~~ Achad Ha’am
"Just as the nation creates its own history, so, too, is it created by it." ~~ Simon M. Dubnov