"Who spreads an evil report of the Land of Israel, even if it be true, is a renegade. " ~~ Hayim of Volozhin
"He [God] will assemble the dispersed of Israel." ~~ Isaiah (Yesha’yahu) 11:12
"The Land of Israel is the House of God." ~~ H. Ibn Attar
"The highest test for the Jewish State will be in its spirit, in its loyalty to the great purposes of the Prophets as they envisioned for the end of days." ~~ David Ben-Gurion
"The Land of Israel extends to the Euphrates River. " ~~ Genesis (Bereshit) R.
"There shall be one law for the citizen and for the stranger who dwells among you." ~~ Exodus (Shmot) 12:49
"Who pities not mankind, be it known that he is not the seed of our Father Abraham! " ~~ Talmud, Beitza
"Sinning in Eretz Israel is worse than elsewhere…It is like rebellion right within the king’s own palace." ~~ Meir of Rothenburg
"Can a woman forget her nursing child? Yes, even these may forget, but I will not forget you." ~~ Isaiah (Yesha’yahu) 49:14
"As everyone treads on dust, so does every nation tread on Israel; but dust lasts longer than metal, and so shall Israel outlast the others." ~~ Midrash Genesis R. 41:9
"Just as faith, in its highest sense, is what unites people, so religion is what divides them. " ~~ Chayot
"A great people cannot live without an ideal." ~~ Max Nordau