"Myrtle is sweet to the one who smells it, but bitter to the one who bites it; so Israel brings prosperity to those who grant it kindness, and depression to those who afflict it with evil." ~~ Midrash Esther R. 6:5
"When you whitewash your home, leave a small patch bare to remind you of the Temple’s destruction! [Tisha B”Av] " ~~ Talmud, Bava Batra
"One cannot and must not try to erase the past merely because it does not fit the present. " ~~ Golda Meir
"We accept this word ‘Jew’, ostensibly a term of abuse, and shall turn it into a title." ~~ Theodore Herzl
"I have set you for a light of the nations. " ~~ Isaiah (Yesha”yahu) 42:6
"Language is the key to the nation. " ~~ Chaim Nachman Bialik
"Our task today is harder than Moses’; he had only to deliver Israel from one Egypt, we must deliver it from many." ~~ Manachem Ussishkin
"God appeared unto Abram and said: “Unto thy seed will I give this land.” " ~~ Genesis (Bereshit) 12:7
"Israel is like a vine: trodden underfoot; but some time later its wine is placed on the table of a king. So Israel, at first oppressed, will eventually come to greatness." ~~ Talmud, Nedarim 49b
"Three things have charm: a place to its residents, a woman to her husband, a bargain to its customer, and some say, also, the Torah to its students." ~~ Talmud, Sota
"What nation on earth has customs as strange as ours? Our poor demand alms, as if they were collecting a debt, and our benefactors…invite paupers to their table." ~~ Jacob Mendele
"I have pitched my tent on these ancient hills and my desire is to tie together the ends of the thread that history broke." ~~ Reubin Rubin
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