"Jerusalem is like a city that people are friendly together; a city in which all [the people of] Israel are friends when the tribes ascend there for the pilgrimage. " ~~ Talmud Yerushalmi, Hagiga 3
"Without Jerusalem, the Land of Israel is as a body without a soul." ~~ Elhanan L. Levinsky
"A betrothed girl in Jerusalem does not need to adorn herself with the scent of incense. " ~~ Talmud, Yoma 39b
"If I forget thee, O Jerusalem, may my right hand forget its cunning!" ~~ Psalms (Tehillim) 137:5
"No city in the world, not even Athens and Rome, ever played as great a role in the life of a nation for so long a time, as Jerusalem has done in the life of the Jewish people." ~~ David Ben-Gurion
"If I forget thee, O Jerusalem let my right hand wither! Let my tongue cleave to my mouth if I remember thee not, if I prize not Jerusalem above all my joys!" ~~ Psalms (Tehillim) 137:6
"Who prays in Jerusalem is as one praying before the Throne of Glory, for the Gate of Heaven is there." ~~ Pirke Derabbi Eliezer
"Ten measures of beauty were given the world, nine were taken by Jerusalem and one by all the rest." ~~ Talmud, Kiddushin
"The Holy One will turn the Ninth of Ab into joy…and will Himself build Jerusalem and gather therein the exiles of Israel." ~~ Midrash Zuta, Eika
"Jerusalem will only be redeemed through [the merit of giving] charity. " ~~ Talmud, Shabbat 139a
"The trees of Jerusalem were of cinnamon, but when it was destroyed, they were hidden away. " ~~ Talmud, Shabbat 63a
"Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!" ~~ Psalms (Tehillim) 122:6