"A single witness may not establish the guilt of any man." ~~ Deuteronomy (Devarim) 19:15
"Even if a lie is crippled, it will run like a champion; yet justice will overtake it at the end." ~~ Shlomo Rubin
"No punishment should be meted out without previous warning." ~~ Sifre
"Who is kind to the poor lends to the Lord. " ~~ Proverbs (Mishle) 19:17
"The School of Shammai says: A man may not divorce his wife unless he has found unchastity in her. . .The School of Hillel says: He may divorce her even if she spoiled a dish for him . . .Rabbi Akiva says: Even if he found a fairer woman. " ~~ Gittin 9:10
"The rightous among the Gentiles have a share in the world to come." ~~ Tosefta
"If your brother becomes poor, you shall maintain him." ~~ Leviticus (Vayikra) 25:35
"When men are pure, laws are useless; when men are corrupt, laws are broken. " ~~ Benjamin Disraeli
"Who closes his ears to the cry of the poor will himself cry out and not be heard." ~~ Proverbs (Kohelet) 21:13
"If you do not pity your friend, nobody will pity you." ~~ Tanchuma
"An emergency alters the situation." ~~ Talmud, Ketubot
"There are a thousand ways to do injustice without breaking a single law." ~~ Mishle Yehoshua
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