"When knowledge increases, doubt increases, too." ~~ T. Shapira
"The Creator, blessed be He, is He that knows, and what is known and knowledge itself, all in one." ~~ Rambam
"Scholars multiply peace on earth." ~~ Talmud, Berakhot
"Spend your money on expensive books and you will get their worth in golden knowledge." ~~ Ben Shlomo Immanuel
"It is better to know well than to know much." ~~ Mishle Yehoshua
"Our knowledge is a little island in a great ocean of nonknowledge. " ~~ Isaac Bashevis Singer
"Knowledge is like the sun – – -it dispels all darkness." ~~ Yehuda Leib Gordon
"Foolish and frivolous things are easy to learn and hard to forget." ~~ Avot Derabbi Nathan
"Fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge." ~~ Proverbs (Mishle) 1:7
"Where there is no knowledge there can be no insight, and where there is no insight there can be no knowledge." ~~ Sayings of the Fathers 3:2
"Wisdom is known by utterance and intelligence by the answer of the tongue." ~~ Ben Sira 4:23
"I’ve never been an intellectual but I have this look. " ~~ Woody Allen