"The morning stars sang together." ~~ Job (Iyov) 38:7
"Music is prayer. " ~~ Ludwig Boerne
"Where there’s music, pour not out talk." ~~ Apocrypha: Ben Sira
"The essence of music is a revelation…It is spirit, yet in need of time, rhythm; it is matter, yet independent of space." ~~ Heinrich Heine
"Music is a universal language, and needs not be translated. With it soul speaks to soul." ~~ Berthold Auerbach
"Military justice is to justice what military music is to music. " ~~ Groucho Marx
"The inner history of a people is contained in its songs." ~~ Rabbi Adolph Jellinek
"When does a Jew sing? When he’s hungry." ~~ Mokher Sefarim Mendele
"Through true song one may rise to the power of prophecy." ~~ Joseph Opatoshu
"Every people has its own melody…But Israel sings all of them, in order to bring them all to God." ~~ Abraham Yaakov
"The whole world is nothing more than a singing and a dancing before the Holy One, blessed be He. Every Jew is a singer before Him, and every letter in the Torah is a musical note." ~~ Nathan b. Naphtali Herz
"I will sing unto the Lord as long as I live." ~~ Psalms (Tehillim) 104:33