"The humble shall inherit the earth." ~~ Psalms (Tehillim) 37:11
"Without family life no nation can be made." ~~ Aaron David Gordon
"Who prays in Jerusalem is as one praying before the Throne of Glory, for the Gate of Heaven is there." ~~ Pirke Derabbi Eliezer
"Everything can be imitated, except truth; for imitated truth is no longer truth." ~~ The Kotzker Rabbi
"Constant dripping wears away a stone. " ~~ Job (Iyov) 14:19
"It is no challenge to die like a Jew; the true challenge is to live like a Jew." ~~ The Chofetz Chaim
"Your best friend is the one who is a friend without expecting anything." ~~ Leone Da Modena
"Weep for the mourners and not for the dead, for he is gone to his rest and we are left to lament." ~~ Talmud, Mo’ed Qatan
"Never go to bed mad – Stay up and fight. " ~~ Phyllis Diller
"Say not: when I have leisure I will study, lest you may not have it!" ~~ Avot 2:4
"If you cannot find peace within yourself, it profits not to seek it elsewhere. " ~~ S. Hurvitz
"The more schooling, the more wisdom." ~~ Avot 2:7
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