"Therefore a man leaves his father and his mother, and cleaves to his wife: and they become one flesh. " ~~ Genesis (Bereshit) 2:24
"The home should be perceived as a microcosm of the universe: The harmony that permeates the home and the family extends beyond, fostering harmony between families, communities and ultimately, the nations of the world. In the absence of harmony between one’s own family, we can hardly expect to find harmony between strangers. " ~~ Rebbe Menachem Schneerson
"Music is prayer. " ~~ Ludwig Boerne
"Who denies idolatry is as one that avows the Torah entire." ~~ Talmud, Kiddushin
"Confession by the defendant is as good as a hundred witnesses." ~~ Talmud, Kiddushin
"Ingathering of Exiles is as important as the day when heaven and earth were created." ~~ Talmud, Pesachim
"Too honor an old man one should not sit in his place or contradict his words." ~~ Rashi
"Just as the world cannot exist without water, so it cannot be without wisdom." ~~ David Qimchi
"It is not the sin that drives one crazy it’s the desire to sin." ~~ Shalom Aleichem
"Israel is my son, My first-born." ~~ Exodus (Shmot) 4:22
"Who shows pity for humankind, the Heavens will pity in turn. " ~~ Talmud, Shabbat
"Who once did a clever thing is not yet to be considered wise, and who once did a foolish thing not yet a fool." ~~ Yiddish Proverb
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