"All thievery depends upon a receiver." ~~ Midrash Leviticus R. 6
"Just as your hand, held before the eye, can hide the tallest mountain, so this small earthly life keeps us from seeing the vast radiance that fills the core of the universe." ~~ Nachman of Bratslav
"From dust you are, and to dust you shall return. " ~~ Genesis (Bereshit) 3:19
"The man who boasts: “I have naught but the Torah” has not even that." ~~ Talmud, Yevamot
"A woman asked Rabbi Yossi ben Chalafta: “How many days did it take the Lord to create the world?” He answered: “Six.” “And, since then, what has He been doing?” The reply came: “Making marriages.” " ~~ Genesis (Bereshit) R.
"When I read about the evils of drinking, I gave up reading. " ~~ Henry Youngman
"Who guards his mouth preserves his life." ~~ Proverbs (Mishle) 13:3
"There can be lunacy without love, but is there any great love without a little lunacy?" ~~ Yochanan Tversky
"For children, we tear the world apart." ~~ Talmud, Nedarim
"In my life of vanity I have seen everything: the righteous man perishing in righteousness, and the wicked man living long in his evil-doing." ~~ Ecclesiastes (Kohelet) 7:15
"It is better not to give alms than to give it in public, with embarrassment for the recipient. " ~~ Talmud, Hagiga
"Every people has its own melody…But Israel sings all of them, in order to bring them all to God." ~~ Abraham Yaakov
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