"A woman asked Rabbi Yossi ben Chalafta: “How many days did it take the Lord to create the world?” He answered: “Six.” “And, since then, what has He been doing?” The reply came: “Making marriages.” " ~~ Genesis (Bereshit) R.
"When I read about the evils of drinking, I gave up reading. " ~~ Henry Youngman
"Who guards his mouth preserves his life." ~~ Proverbs (Mishle) 13:3
"There can be lunacy without love, but is there any great love without a little lunacy?" ~~ Yochanan Tversky
"For children, we tear the world apart." ~~ Talmud, Nedarim
"In my life of vanity I have seen everything: the righteous man perishing in righteousness, and the wicked man living long in his evil-doing." ~~ Ecclesiastes (Kohelet) 7:15
"It is better not to give alms than to give it in public, with embarrassment for the recipient. " ~~ Talmud, Hagiga
"Every people has its own melody…But Israel sings all of them, in order to bring them all to God." ~~ Abraham Yaakov
"Memory sustains man in the world of life." ~~ Samuel David Luzzatto
"It is better to eat herbs and fear no creditors, than eat meat and have to hide from them." ~~ Talmud Pesachim 114a
"Who speaks slander is as one that denies the principle of faith, the existence of God. " ~~ Yalkut Shimoni
"Science, though it seems to waste Torah, actually confirms and clarifies it." ~~ The Koretser Rabbi
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