"Great is the pain of bringing up sons, and greater of bringing up daughters." ~~ Shalom Aleichem
"Godfearingness will keep you far from sin." ~~ Ben Sira 1:21
"No labor, however humble, dishonors a man." ~~ Talmud, Nedarim 49b
"Literature is the safest key to a nation’s treasure. " ~~ Chaim Nachman Bialik
"If a poor man asks for alms, and you have nothing to give, console him with words; for it is forbidden to chastise a poor man or raise your voice against him, since his heart is broken." ~~ Maimonides
"Who declines to endow a scholar with his worldly goods will see no blessing." ~~ Talmud, Sanhedrin
"Wisdom is an attribue of age." ~~ Job (Iyov) 12:12
"If you do not sow, how will you harvest?" ~~ Safra
"Old age is the mother of forgetfulness." ~~ Yehuda Ben Tibbon
"To hate Israel is to hate God…To rise against Israel is to rise against God…To help Israel is to help God." ~~ Sifre Num., #84
"A clown may be first in the kingdom of heaven, if he has helped lessen the sadness of human life." ~~ Rabbi Baroka in Talmud
"The begger is hungry and does not know it." ~~ Talmud, Megillah