"As you teach, you learn." ~~ Midrash Tehillim
"A corpse does not feel the knife." ~~ Talmud, Shabbat
"Flattery is permissible only to promote peace." ~~ The Koretser Rabbi
"Where Jewish education is neglected, the whole content of Judaism is reduced to merely an awareness of anti-Semitism. Judaism ceases them to be a civilization, and becomes a complex." ~~ Mordechai Kaplan
"Sweet are the songs of Israel. " ~~ ISecond Samuel (Shmuel 2) 23:1
"Consider every day your last and you will always be ready—with good deeds and repentance." ~~ Talmud, Shabbat 153a
"By benevolence man rises to a height where he meets God. Therefore do a good deed before you begin your prayers." ~~ Ahai Gaon, Sheiltot
"I think the dead which are already gone [are] more fortunate than the living who still breathe. " ~~ Ecclesiastes (Kohelet) 4:2
"Who pleads after the verdict pleads nothing. [It’s too late to plead once a sentence is pronounced.] " ~~ Talmud, Bava Metzia
"The man who divorces is not in the same situation as a woman divorced." ~~ Talmud, Yevamot
"There is no book that has not something bad in it, none that has not something good." ~~ Traditional Proverb
"Days are scrolls, you may write on them what you wish." ~~ Bachya