"The secret of our existence is in our being “a people that dwell alone” [Numbers (Bamidbar) 23:9], a people that believes in the one G-d, and leads a life according to the one Torah, which is eternal and unchangeable. " ~~ Rebbe Menachem Schneerson
"No man was ever beggared by giving charity." ~~ R. Yoel
"Many waters cannot quench love, neither can floods drown it." ~~ Song of Songs (Shir HaShirim) 8:7
"Those who submerge themselves in the desire for money are always in debt." ~~ Rabbi Nahman Ben Simha [The Bratslaver]
"None should stand up to pray save in sober mood; the pious men of old used to wait an hour before they said their prayer, that they might direct their heart toward God." ~~ Berakhot 5:1
"Man cannot die twice or escape from dying once." ~~ Mishle Yoav
"Thought is a strenuous art — few practice it, and then only at rare times." ~~ David Ben-Gurion
"There is no real choice except by the working of the mind. " ~~ Chaim Vital
"Better an ounce of luck than a pound of gold." ~~ Yiddish Proverb
"Who only spends and never earns soon gets to the bottom of his pocket." ~~ Reuven Alcalay
"Malchi Tzedek king of Shalem, said “this place makes its inhabitants righteous?”, so he called Jerusalem “Tzedek” (righteousness). " ~~ Midrash, Bereshit Rabba 43
"The child honors his mother more than his father because his mother affects him by her words—so God set the honoring of the father before the honoring of the mother; and the child fears his father more than his mother, because it is the father who teaches him Torah—so God set the fearing of the mother before the fearing of the father." ~~ Talmud, Kiddushin 31a
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