"There is no limit to the contents that can be poured into the vessel called man. " ~~ Chaim Nachman Bialik
"Let a stranger live with you, and he’ll estrange your way of life." ~~ Apocrypha: Ben Sira
"O Death! If men knew you, they would embrace you!" ~~ Beth Middot
"When Israel is in trouble, the Lord, as it were, is troubled, too." ~~ Tanchuma
"If I am not for myself, who is for me?" ~~ Avot 1:14
"God created Man. . .and placed him in the power of his desire." ~~ Ben Sira 15:14
"An impatient man cannot be a teacher. " ~~ Hillel
"Beware of discourtesy to the poor: The Lord stands near them." ~~ The Slonimer Rabbi
"Happiness is the one good thing that all long for." ~~ Midrash Shmuel
"We must endeavor to teach even the unintelligent." ~~ Rashi
"A thing learnt in childhood is proven in old age." ~~ Traditional Proverb
"There is not a man but has his hour, nor a thing without its place. [There is a time and a place for everything. Every dog has his day.]" ~~ Avot 4:3