"When you whitewash your home, leave a small patch bare to remind you of the Temple’s destruction! [Tisha B”Av] " ~~ Talmud, Bava Batra
"Who hates the wise is banished from the world to come. " ~~ Derekh Eretz
"It is hard to raise sons; and much harder to raise daughters." ~~ Shalom Aleichem
"The righteous shall flourish like a palm-tree: he shall grow like a cedar in Lebanon. " ~~ Psalms (Tehillim) 92:12
"If your wife be chaste, why should you watch her? If she be not, you will watch her in vain." ~~ Mishle Yehoshua
"One cannot and must not try to erase the past merely because it does not fit the present. " ~~ Golda Meir
"Only the lesson which is enjoyed can be learned well." ~~ Judah HaNasi, Talmud
"Books are meant not to be shelved, but to be studied." ~~ Sefer Chassidim
"A woman watches a guest more grudgingly than a man. " ~~ Talmud, Bava Metzia
"Freedom is the world of joy." ~~ Nachman of Bratslav
"A man must bless God for the evil, just as he blesses Him for the good." ~~ Berakhot 9:5
"What is the grossest form of neglect? If a man does not. . . devote every effort toward the education of his children." ~~ Apocrypha: Aristeas 24:8
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