"Adam was the luckiest of men: he had no mother-in-law." ~~ Shalom Aleichem
"Guard the portals of your lips from her that lies in your bosom!" ~~ Micah (Mikha) 7:5
"When young I ate so that I could write; in old age I write so that I may eat." ~~ M. A. Ginsburg
"Wine cheers the heart of a man." ~~ Proverbs (Mishle) 104:15
"The absence of alternatives clears the mind marvelously. " ~~ Henry Kissinger
"Draw from the past, live in the present, work for the future!" ~~ Abraham Geiger
"The good translation is, to a certain extent, an artistic work more difficult than the original. " ~~ Chaim Nachman Bialik
"Everything comes from the woman—a good and worthy wife makes her husband righteous, and the opposite is also true. " ~~ Genesis (Bereshit) R.
"If your brother becomes poor, you shall maintain him." ~~ Leviticus (Vayikra) 25:35
"Don’t be humble. You’re not that great." ~~ Golda Meir
"Peace means more than truth." ~~ Ya’akov Yosef Hacohen
"Valiant man, whose heart is like that of a lion! " ~~ Second Samuel (Shmuel 2) 17:10
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