"Have you ever heard of a son rejecting his mother beause he found a nicer one?" ~~ Achad Ha’am
"There is one thing one cannot buy—one’s parents." ~~ Traditional Proverb
"Even if a man is a rabbi, when his father enters, the son must rise [in the presence of his pupils]." ~~ Talmud, Horayot 13b
"As the mother, so her daughter " ~~ Ezekiel (Yechezkel) 16:44
"When you teach your son, use a carefully edited text. " ~~ Talmud, Pesachim
"Children grow up, parents grow old." ~~ Yiddish Proverb
"A man should not quarrel with his wife to please his parents." ~~ Sefer Chassidim
"The good deeds of parents are a happy augury for their children." ~~ Talmud, Sota
"The man who disobeys his parents will have disobedient sons." ~~ Nachman of Bratslav
"I make decisions for my life, not the other way around. Besides, when you have a kid, you must weigh everything against time with your child." ~~ Debra Winger
"Don’t threaten a child: either punish him or forgive him." ~~ Talmud
"Who circumcises his son is as though he offered all the sacrifices to the Lord." ~~ Zohar, Genesis