"If a man sees trouble brewing, let him examine his own acts!" ~~ Talmud, Berakhot
"A man that cleanses himself after touching a corpse, and then touches it again, of what avail will his cleaning be? So with a man who fasts for his sins and then repeats them." ~~ Ben Sira 34:25,26
"Shame is an iron fence against sin." ~~ Orchot Tsadikim
"Don’t carry a grudge. While you’re carrying the grudge the other guy’s out dancing. " ~~ Buddy Hackett
"Living in Israel is itself an atonement for one’s sins." ~~ Meir. Sifre #333
"Just as the law against defrauding applies to buying and selling, so does it apply to the spoken word." ~~ Bava Metzia 4:10
"Who hides his sins will not prosper." ~~ Words of the Wise – 28:13
"Who has fear of God in him will not sin." ~~ A. N. Hayarchi
"Immorality in a home is like a worm in fruit." ~~ Talmud, Sota 3b
"Sin at its beginning is as thin as a spider’s web, and at the end as thick as a cart-rope." ~~ Sifre
"For a Jew to cheat a Gentile is worse than cheating a Jew; for in addition to violating the moral law, it brings Jews into contempt. " ~~ Talmud, Bava Kamma 113b
"Envy not a wicked man, for you know not what his end will be!" ~~ Ben Sira 9:11
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