"False scales are an abomination to the Lord; but a just weight is His delight." ~~ Proverbs (Mishle) 11:1
"If a sin waylays a man and he rejects it, that is deemed a great virtue." ~~ Sons of Songs R.
"Who consorts with the unclean becomes himself unclean; who consorts with clean is cleansed. " ~~ Kelim 12:12
"Who has not savored sin has not been qualified for saintliness. " ~~ Jacob Klatzkin
"A faultless man is possible only in a faultless world." ~~ Hasdai
"Who says, “I shall sin and repent, I shall sin and repent”, repentance will not be vouchsafed him." ~~ Talmud, Yoma
"May my death atone for all my sins!" ~~ Talmud, Berakhot
"The man who steals men’s confidence is the worst of thieves." ~~ Midrash Mekilta Mispatim
"The quintessence of wickedness is foolishness." ~~ The Chofetz Chaim
"The man who does not lend money on interest, either to Jew or Gentile, walks with honor." ~~ Talmud, Makkoth 24a
"Who pities not mankind, be it known that he is not the seed of our Father Abraham! " ~~ Talmud, Beitza
"Sinning in Eretz Israel is worse than elsewhere…It is like rebellion right within the king’s own palace." ~~ Meir of Rothenburg