"Three things have charm: a place to its residents, a woman to her husband, a bargain to its customer, and some say, also, the Torah to its students." ~~ Talmud, Sota
"The words of Torah heal the soul, not the body." ~~ Maimonides, Mishneh Torah
"Teachers may not accept remuneration for teaching Torah, but may for teaching punctuation marks and accents." ~~ Johanan b. Nappaha
"As earnestly as David prayed that he should not fall into Saul’s hands, so prayed he that Saul fall not into his." ~~ Yalkut Shim’oni
"Without Hebrew there is no Torah, and without Torah no Jew." ~~ Peretz Smolenskin
"No man who practises deceit shall live within my house." ~~ Psalms/Tehillim 101:7
"The Lord was pleased for His righteousness’ sake to make the teaching great and glorious." ~~ Isaiah (Yesha’yahu)
"There is no single letter in the Scriptures whereon a thousand secrets do not hang." ~~ Menashe Ben Israel
"On six days work may be done, but on the seventh day you shall have a Sabbath of complete rest, holy to the Lord." ~~ Exodus (Shmot) 35:2
"Turn the Torah and turn it again, for all things are in it!" ~~ Avot 5:22
"A religious act is more acceptable when it is performed at the right time." ~~ Talmud, Pesachim
"The more Torah, the more life." ~~ Hillel in Sayings of the Fathers 2:7
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