"One does not send a comb as a gift to a bald man." ~~ Samuel Joseph Agnon
"Give graciously, cheerfully, and sympathetically." ~~ Maimonides
"It is permissible to assign charity to the poor on the Sabbath." ~~ Eleazar b. Pedat
"Let us supply the man in need also with that about which he is silent." ~~ Philo
"You shall not close your hand against your needy kinsman. " ~~ Deuteronomy (Devarim) 15:7
"Charity is a magnet with more power to attract the divine influence than any other precept." ~~ Shneor Zalman
"Good deeds bring a man immortality." ~~ The Sassovor Rabbi
"By three things is the world sustained: the Law, the Temple service and deeds of loving kindness." ~~ Avot 1:2
"He who closes his ear against the cry of the poor will himself one day call and not be heard." ~~ [based on] Proverbs (Mishle)
"To him who has the means and refuses the needy, the Holy One says: Bear in mind, fortune is a wheel!" ~~ Nachman
"Who has two meals may accept nothing from a charity kitchen." ~~ Peah 8:7
"Jerusalem will only be redeemed through [the merit of giving] charity. " ~~ Talmud, Shabbat 139a
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